An absolutely brutal week for the aviation industry.


This has probably been one of the worst weeks we have ever encountered in recruiting for the aviation industry. We started recruiting for aviation just before 9/11 and we have weathered that, the financial crisis and the oil price crash in 2014, but this has the feel of something bigger. Aviation is an industry based on confidence. Flying is the last thing people want to do when they are scared.

 The industry will recover, but we think it will be fundamentally different. If it isn’t then it means we have learned nothing.

 The belief in an ever-growing economy and an ever-increasing demand for air travel has been dramatically challenged, and things like the Boeing 737 MAX crashes have destroyed trust in the big companies and authorities that control the industry. More airlines will collapse, as will many of the companies that supply them (including recruitment companies like us).

 It's not all doom and gloom. ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ and new companies that can positively change the way things are done will have the opportunity to shine as other more traditional companies fall by the wayside. Recruitment for aviation hasn't really changed in the 20 years we have been doing it so there is a real chance to innovate and make the whole process better for everyone involved.

We can’t guarantee we will still be around this time next year, but we will do everything possible to make sure we are part of a better future.


Something that might help you in the aviation downturn.


Permanent job - B1 or B2 Engineers, A320 Base Maintenance, China